Miller Family Records
Our goal is to share information from original sources, including Bible records, wills, obituaries, marriage records, letters, and so forth which are connected to our ancestral families.
- Valentine William Miller (1846-1945) and Sarah Virginia Byerly Miller (1854-1910)- Obituary, Memorial Card, Cemetery Information
- Salina, Kansas Area Miller Reunions - newspaper clippings. Six Miller brothers, descendants of Peter Miller Sr., d aft 1824, moved from Limestone, Washington County, Tennessee to Saline County, Kansas, starting in 1873. (One son, James Franklin Miller, returned to Tennessee.)
- Obituaries, etc. for the Four Daughters of Valentine William Miller and Sarah Virginia Byerly Miller. Daughters are: Laura Anne Miller Emery, Roberta Miller Berg, Grace Miller Edwards, and Della Pearl Miller Morris.
- Obituary and Birthday Newspaper Articles for Sophronia Reser, wife of James A. Reser (1845-1911), and Obituary of Nancy Reser Jones, Their Daughter. James Reser is a descendant of Peter Miller Sr., d aft 1824, in Washington County, Tennessee. His parents were Washington Fain Reser and Chilnissa Miller (granddaughter of Peter Miller Sr. The family moved from Tennessee to Saline County, Kansas in 1899.